Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Weed Control – Beware of Bitterness

Keep a sharp eye out for weeds of bitter discontent. A thistle or two gone to seed can ruin a whole garden in no time.”             Hebrews 12:15 The Message

For many years, I have loved gardening.  With apartment living, this is one thing I greatly miss.  It is so satisfying to work in the dirt and then be able to provide food for your family.  However in order to have a successful garden it is important to keep a watchful eye on weeds.  I can remember taking an extended weekend only to come back to find weeds had popped up and were endangering my precious plants.

As with the weeds in my garden, bitterness quickly crept into my life, early during my Sabbatical.  I did not keep a watchful eye on it.  Its roots ran deeper than I had realized.  Unfortunately many do not understand the full power and deception of bitterness.  For it does not soothe, nor does it make things better.  Satan has many weapons in his arsenal and bitterness is a mighty one.  Today I will briefly share about some of the effects of bitterness.  Then in my next post, I will share steps on how to overcome bitterness. 

Bitterness is a weed that can quickly grow out of control.  It will wreak havoc if left unattended. If you have ever pulled weeds out of a garden, you understand that the roots go very deep.  These roots are what choke out plants.  Bitterness has deep roots that will choke out joy in your life.  As I allowed bitterness into my life, it ruined my joy.  I allowed the offense to become my main focus, which pushed my joy out of the way.  It was ever before me, from when I woke up to when I went to bed. It was like having spots on your glasses that stay, in your line of vision, no matter where you turn your eyes. 

Weeds also bring a certain level of toxicity to the ground as it absorbs all of the cherished nutrients.  Bitterness will bring toxicity into your relationships.  As I struggled with bitterness, it began to affect my closest relationships.
It will become draining on those closest to you. 

Bitterness will affect all of your relationships, including your walk with the Lord.  Ultimately I began to question why God allowed this offense to happen, as well as why He didn’t make things right.  It led me to question God’s goodness and His sovereignty.  I was so upset with God that I stayed away from church for a few months.  In the previous twenty two years of following the Lord, I had only missed a handful of Sundays and church services.  Bitterness even led me to not pick up my Bible for several weeks.  Unfortunately bitterness drove me away from the Father.

If you’re allowing an offense to fester, just know bitterness has begun to lengthen its’ roots into your life.  It goes much deeper than what you see on the surface.  I would be glad to talk with you further about your struggle with bitterness.  My email address is pastorjabo@gmail.com.  I look forward to you reading about the Lord gently restoring me and helping me work through my bitterness.

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