Thursday, March 6, 2014

Getting into S.H.A.P.E. - Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts

 “Now about spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.”
1 Corinthians 12:1

Discovering and understanding your spiritual gifts is the first step in realizing your SHAPE and how God has designed you. During this post, hopefully you will begin the process of discovering your spiritual gifts.

Purpose of Gifts
In scripture there are a total of 19 spiritual gifts found in three different passages: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4. There are two purposes for which God gives spiritual gifts.  The first is to glorify Jesus. Spiritual gifts are not meant to make one person more important than another or given for your own personal pleasure. As you read through 1 Corinthians you will understand how the church at Corinth struggled with this. They had lost sight of glorifying Jesus with their spiritual gifts. The second purpose is to edify or build up the Church. Our gifts are not given to make us look good, but to encourage other believers. 

What is the difference between a talent and a spiritual gift?
A talent is a natural ability given by God to a person at birth.  Whereas a spiritual gift is a supernatural ability given by God at rebirth. A talent can be anything from athletic ability to musical aptitude to artistic genius. God allows a person to use his or her talents for many different purposes and in many different capacities. However when it comes to spiritual gifts, God opens up the ability of a person to be used by The Lord purposely and directly in His work. A spiritual gift can spring from a natural talent, or it can be a completely new ability that is "out of the ordinary" for that person. All talents and spiritual gifts come from God. God will use talents and spiritual gifts to accomplish His purposes. Everyone has talents, but not everyone has spiritual gifts. Christians are the only ones who have spiritual gifts because they have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them. Ultimately, as a follower of Jesus, we are called to use our talents and our spiritual gifts for the glory of God.

Steps to discovering your spiritual gift
Step one – Take some time and study through the passages of Scripture that list the gifts - Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 

Step two – Experiment through serving in your church.  As you try out different roles within the Church, your gifts will naturally come out. Unfortunately many people want to select their gift and find the best place to serve. As you experiment it is important to not idolize someone else’s gift. Too much envy happens within the Church. God has given each of us different gifts.

Step three – Take a spiritual gift assessment. There are many great assessment tools out there. 

Step four – Ask others for input. Others will often see gifts in us that we can’t see ourselves.

As you being the journey of figuring out your SHAPE, I would be interested in knowing your spiritual gifts.  Please leave a comment listing your gifts or send me an email at  I pray as you seek the Lord that this time is a great time of discovery and wonder for you.