Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Where are the workers???

Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”  Matthew 9:35-38

This week marks Lori and I’s halfway point of serving in Boston.  While serving over the past month these verses have continued to haunt me.  I have seen them literally jump off the page here in Boston.  Before the summer, I truly had no idea what Jesus meant by “the harvest was plentiful, but the workers were few.”  God has allowed Lori and I to meet some great church planters who are passionate about reaching their communities in Greater Boston.  However one of the greatest barriers they each face is not having enough workers.

However according recent studies, the Church is at its largest ever in the United States (by sheer volume), but is loosing its ground on effectiveness.  So if there are so many believers in the Church today, why are there still such few workers?  I have come up with a small list of varying reasons.  I would love for you to add to the list if I have left any off.

1    1.    People genuinely do not know.  There are many believers who are unaware of the great need and lostness around them, as well as ignorant of God’s mandate to every believer to be active in His church. 

2    2.    People feel ill-equipped.  Some feel that they have nothing to offer to the Church or can’t be used because they do not have certain gifts.  However it is important to realize that God has given us each different gifts and talents to help build His Kingdom.

3    3.    People do not have a passion to reach lost people.  They routinely go throughout their week without noticing those around them who do not know the Lord.  However God has called each of us to be a light to the world.  He has you exactly where He desires to use you within each of your realms of influence to reach those people.

4    4.    Too many American Christians are sitting on the sidelines.  In the early 1900’s, America used to be the leading country of sending out missionaries.  However, there are other countries that are now sending out more missionaries, including to the United States to reach the lost.  As American Christians continue to sit comfortably within the walls of the Church, Mormonism and Islam have taken over as the 2 fastest growing religions in America. 

5    5.    “The pastor is paid to do the work” mentality has run rampant within the Church.  Pastors are getting burned out at an all time rate with over 1,500 pastors leaving their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict or moral failure.  After preaching the Word, the number one duty of a pastor is to be an equipper of the saints, so that they may do the work. 

6    6.    Lastly, people are too busy.  I have come to learn that if Satan can’t make you fall into sin, he will keep you busy so that you will become ineffective.  The typical Christian has a full plate of juggling family, career, and recreation that there is no extra time to serve. 

If you are not digging in to help build God’s Kingdom, I ask why not?  What is keeping you from realizing that God has a bigger plan and purpose for your life?  I pray that you will seek the Lord and ask how He desires to use you.


  1. If you haven't already, you should look into "Not a Fan." It is a small group study that focuses on the difference between fans (cheering from the bleachers) and followers. Sometimes, I think fans don't realize that there is so much more out there for them to experience if they will just lose their fandom and follow.

  2. I will make sure to look that up. Unfortunately we have too many fans in the church and not enough followers.

    1. Reminds me of my common quote, "Easier to be part of the crowd at the football games telling the football players how to do their job better, than get in the game and do it yourself." Lots of fans, and all critiques as well. I like that you asked what you missed, "if someone has a better idea of how to get this job done and done well in the Masters Hands, than they must be the one called to do it!" I also have become deeply concerned since my son has gone to school, discovering such lost young folks and it horrifies me that as he goes out unequipped in so many ways (especially being alone, as I recall it best to go with someone else? Well also a wonderful youth pastor once taught that even a 2 yr old can pull a grown man off a chair-Try it! Stand on a chair and let a 2 yr old pull you off, the child can do it! So having someone with you as a support is important as you go out. I cannot go to school with him these days, so I lift him up in prayer but also say one thing missing is the sorrow that youth groups are more focused on entertaining than on preparing those in Christ for the battle at hand is The Lords, and knowing Him and knowing they know Him and not being afraid to admit when they are having doubts because they are afraid of being excluded, when they really need prayer and fellowship and solid Bible teaching. I know this is suppose to happen at home, but many do not get it at home. Pray for the men to get up to the plate and feed their children in love and honor to God, and the children to have a rejoicing heart to be taught the truth in love, not to be all knowing already so they are unteachable, if you know what I mean, non of us know it all! We need the truth taught to us in gentle love, and served as we are able to digest, so one day we can digest the meat. The verse of how the woman would be saved by the washing of the word comes to my mind, that yes, a man is the Spiritual head of the home and may His spirit abide in the love and truth of Christ when he is part of the body, and not just be a fan! We really have no need for fans, they are not of any avail, unless they are encouraging us in the word to persevere and press on the His high calling.

    2. This is the verse I was referring to in the above comment: "25Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, 26so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless.…" mjh.

    3. Great words! Thank you for sharing. I do remember the chair illustration youth group.
